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Logistics Creation Through Linking Korea-China-Japan

Intermodal transportation services that carry (import) into BNP finished goods and half-finished goods from Asian countries including Japan, Korea, and China and re-export those goods with value added to each of those countries

  • Can be divided into 5 kinds
  • Focus on a logistics model that can create value added rather than on simple logistics
Model Name of Biz Model Characteristic Item
BM 1 Marine Plant Support Model Work through Use/consumption report (=carry-in report) and bonded factory out-shipmen system * Marine plant and shipbuilding equipment
* Installation of 3 gates (8M*8M) on ground system
* Attract heavy objects and bow items
* Craningwithin a logistics center
BM 2 Consumer Goods Value Added Support Model Inspection, labeling, and repacking based on full understanding of the characteristics of FTZ * Wine, detergents, foods
* Work through simplified customs procedure for processing, assembling, repairing, and labeling
BM 3 Export Promotion Model Collect cargo from domestic manufactures; place them in containers; and transport out * Steel and construction equipment
* Collect cargo; place them in containers; and transport them out to the terminal
BM 4 Dangerous Goods Logistics Support Model Support export/import of hazardous commodities and domestic transportation * hazardous commodities designed as class 1,2,4, and 6
* Paint, lubricant, etc
BM 5 IFF Support Model Storage model for general freight (FCL,LCL) * LCL export work; the storage of other cargo; andcarryingin and out